Fruit tree nursery for apple, pear, cherry and plum trees. Frost-resistant pear rootstock Q-Eline: Also organic fruit tree nursery for apple and pear trees. Various large fruited cherry varieties. We make the trees you earn money with!
Fleuren Nurseries was founded in 1922 by Herni Fleuren. The third generation, Han Fleuren, is now at the helm of the company.
Fleuren Nurseries specialises in apple, pear, cherry and plum trees. We offer the apple varieties SQ159 Magic Star®/Natyra®, Fresco Wellant®, WURtwinning, WURsixo, Freya®, Elstar Eke, and other interesting varieties. In the cherry sector, we offer varieties such as the Cerasina® Prim and Final series, Folfer and established varieties such as Kordia and Regina, as well as other early to late varieties.
Fleuren works with great care to produce fruit trees of the best quality. To achieve this, attention is not only focussed on the fruit trees themselves, but on the entire production system. Fleuren's strength lies not only in the supply of high-quality trees, but also in its good service, high reliability and personalised advice tailored to the customer. Fleuren Nurseries is also the inventor of the "Knipbaum" and the "3K tree". The "Knipbaum" is the tree shape used to create planting systems worldwide. The 3K tree is also a tree form suitable for intensive cultivation, which already bears fruit in the year of planting.