Gebr. Schröder GmbH | Original LÖWE

Short description

Original LOWE secateurs have established themselves as leaders on the green market thanks to their unsurpassed quality. When they were introduced in 1923, the Original LÖWE shears were already clearly superior to the shears in use at the time, and this advantage still exists today.

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About us

The success story of a globally registered brand

Original LÖWE, a globally registered trademark, has established itself as the market leader thanks to its unsurpassed quality. When they were introduced in 1923, Original LÖWE scissors were already clearly superior to the scissors forged from two halves that were commonly used at the time, and this advantage still exists today.

Even back then, the Original LÖWE 1 cut remarkably easily and was characterized by its low weight and replaceable wear parts. Even after 100 years, these spare parts are still available, making the company a pioneer in sustainability a century ago. Our models stand for optimum usability and impressive longevity.

Unique design and recognition value

The classic original LÖWE scissors with orange handles and solid, chrome-plated scissor bodies have an unmistakable, clear appearance. In view of the large number of competing products, it is crucial that our scissors stand out from the crowd and are immediately recognizable thanks to their shape, color and quality.

Walther Schröder's groundbreaking invention

In 1923, the visionary company founder Walther Schröder presented a groundbreaking innovation: the world's first anvil shears. The "lion on cogwheel" logo was registered with the Reich Patent Office in 1925, and the "Original LÖWE cutting principle" developed as a result revolutionized cutting with a pulling blade against a firm base.

Even today, the "Original LÖWE 1" can still be found almost unchanged in our product portfolio, while the anvil principle is also used in many current scissor models.